过去很多美剧Growing Pains迷在寻找此歌,这首“This is the day”是Growing Pains第三季度最后一集Michael毕业那集的插曲,看过的朋友对其应该都有印象,因为挺好听的,小程也不例外,记得N年前我还和网上一些朋友寻找过此歌,可惜能力有限,就像当时寻找Growing Pains 2000电影版无功而返一样。过了几年,小程才在网上偶得了此曲,于是一直珍藏至今,每次听到这首歌,就想到了Growing Pains,想到了搞笑的Michael。
One day a lady saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. She was very afraid of mouse, so she ran out of the house, got into a bus and went to the shops. There she bought a mousetrap. The shopkeeper said to her, "Put some cheese in it and you will soon catch that mouse."