好久没有谈SEO了,今天说个关于百度关键词排名的事。从去年开始,我就通过网站统计发现,有些人通过百度搜索“英语小故事” 来到我的博客,虽然小程的博客是有关英语的,但是我这里其实并没有提供任何的英语小故事。
What’s your name? [Joke]
A very strict officer was talking to some new soldiers whom he had to train.He had never seen them before,so he began:"My name is Stone,and I'm even harder than stone,so do what I tell you or there'll be trouble.Don't try any tricks with me ,and then we'll get on well together"
who is nuts? [Joke]
In a hospital for mentally disturbed people, when a hospital for mentally disturbed people, when the doctor walked into the room of a patient, he saw him dangling from the ceiling. Being frightened, he called the nurse to come and pull him down for fear that the man might fall to his death.
Google Adsense又到支付啦!
小程的Google Adsense又支付了,现在已经拿到了监控号,明天就可以去取钱咯,呵呵。这次和上次的收入基本一样,就差几分钱而已。不过下次拿到钱又不知道是什么时候了,现在每天的收入不如过去,直线下降,有一段时间每天连一美元都没有,猜测下次取钱是三个月后的事了。