Link in Park – A Place For My Head(Live)

  林肯乐队的歌是在小程高中的时候结识的了,那时候我还沉迷在CS的怀抱中,每次开始玩CS之前一定要听听Link的歌让自己high起来,这样会更有状态。而每次最容易让我兴奋起来的就属这首“A Place For My Head”,刚开头那一段应该是电吉他的弹奏以及后面那一段低沉的吼声我特别喜欢,自己也爱常常在那模仿,很有趣。



i watch how the
moon sits in the sky in the dark night
shining with the light from the sun
the sun doesn’t give life to the moon to assuming
the moon’s going to owe it one
it makes me think of how you act to me you do
favors and then rapidly you just
turn around and start asking me about
things that you want back from me
i’m sick of the tension sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest
i wanna be in another place
i hate when you say you don’t understand
(you’ll see it’s not meant to be)
i wanna be in the energy, not with the enemy
a place for my head
maybe someday i’ll be just like you and
step on people like you do and run
away the people i thought i knew
i remember back then who you were
you used to be calm used to be strong
used to be generous but you should’ve known that you’d
wear out your welcome now you see
how quiet it is all alone i’m so
sick of the tension sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest i’m so
sick of the tension sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest
you try to take the best of me
go away
shut up
i am so sick of the tension sick of the hunger
sick of you acting like i owe you this
find another place to feed your greed
while i find a place to rest


  1. 15 年前
    2009-10-19 19:35:21


    • penny
      15 年前
      2009-10-19 21:12:19


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