小程语:好久没人分享自己的录音了,今天,网友apple pie总算又再次复出,分享了自己的录音,希望大家都来听听,感受感受,然后留言说说自己的感想。
好久没有模仿了。今天有时间,就把拖了好久的录音模仿完了。刚开始在老张博客听到这位Ashley Judd的录音时,感觉人家说话的感觉很舒服,很想模仿。等到自己开始模仿的时候,才发现要找到这种说话的感觉、气场,并不容易。与自己本人的音质,还有气质都是有关的。模仿的时候,很多单词都沉不下来,低音也没有人家那么重,有些卷舌音如abortion provider
Hi, I’m Ashley Judd, and I’m reaching out/ to you today/ on behalf of NARAL Pro-Choice America.
你好,我是艾什莉·贾德。我谨代表支持堕胎权组织NARAL Pro-Choice America向您发起倡议。
I know many Americans can’t conceive of living in a country where/ they don’t have freedom/ over their own choices. In fact, as Americans, we can scarcely [‘skɛəsli]/imagine that /once a freedom is gained it could/ ever be taken away. But that/ is by no means / guaranteed.
When 87% /of counties in the United States/ have no /abortion provider, one in four young women /has a sexually transmitted infection/ and women with / valid birth control prescriptions are being/ turned away, we have hard work before us to insure /that the right to choose/ is not a right /in name only.
Please make a donation to keep/ reproductive freedom moving forward, for our sisters, our daughters, our friends and granddaughters. Please help keep the right to choose /where it belongs, in women’s /own hands/ and consultation /with their doctor, not their government.